The link between mental health and physical health is often misunderstood. They’re often thought of as separate entities, but the two go hand in hand. In fact, the World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

The perceived disconnect between “mind” and “body” creates the misconception that mental health issues do not affect physical diseases. In reality, mental health has a direct impact on your physical health.

So, you might be wondering, exactly how does my mental health affect my physical health? Well, poor mental health can affect your ability to make healthy decisions and fight off chronic diseases.

What’s more, neglecting your mental health can lead to more serious health complications such as:

Heart disease
High blood pressure
Weakened immune system
Gastronomical problems
Premature death

If you are experiencing symptoms of any mental health condition, it is important to contact a professional who can help you. By partnering with a expert, you will be better able to find out what’s right for you and get the healing you need.

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Mental Health Is Just as Important as Physical Health