Seasoned mental health professionals have heard just about everything under the sun and have a thorough understanding of a variety of issues. Some professionals even specialize in certain issues and will have extensive knowledge of those particular issues.

Also, please remember, those who work in the mental health field have entered the profession because they WANT to help people who have psychological and emotional issues. They knew well beforehand that “difficult to talk about”, “somewhat embarrassing” and “weird situations” would be some of the reasons people would come to see them in therapy.

Lastly, quite a few therapists have chosen the profession after they themselves have gone through some type of traumatic, painful, embarrassing, shameful or unbelievable experiences and, in turn, have the sincere desire to help others like they had been helped in the past.

Mental health myths keep so many from getting the help they need to live a peaceful and fulfilled life.

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Mental Health Myth #4: My Therapist Will Think I’m Weird